Thanks for the meme-ories . . .
Here's a meme, with thanks to Progressive Purls
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don't search around and look for the coolest book you can find. Do what's actually next to you.
"I think metal is so beautiful." - "Knitting in America," Melanie Falick, Chris Hartlove
Great book; fascinating quote.
Lame way for me to jump back in to blogging for a new year!
No excuse. I will not attempt to explain the why's and wherefore's, I'll just blog.
Jewelry business is picking up steam. Made this ----->
while I've been not-blogging. Yummy pearls!
Busy building inventory and a website! More to come . . .
Knitting is still in overdrive. OTN:
- Yorick from Knitty for a special young woman in Chicago;
- Ski-bum-ski - a hat of my own design out of Nashua for my 19 y.o. son. Almost done, but needs sewing and felting.
- Seraphina CAL with my yahoo group - through row 15, yay!
- Estelle shawl for a greiving friend
- Pocket scarf for my gram
- January 07 KAL Dishcloth with another yahoo group
I did finish all of my Christmas presents, so, to quote Carl Spackler (Bill Murray's character in "Caddyshack") "I got that goin' for me."
Soon to begin:
- The Great American Aran Afghan, an 18-month odyssey with a brave group of knitters down at my lys, Knot Another Hat. Hopefully, peer pressure will make me stay on track with this one!
- Baby Feet Washcloth, Skywatcher Socks, and Bib overalls for my niece and her husband - their baby boy is due in March -- do you think I can finish them by then? Wish me luck.
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